Agriculture Value Chain Competitiveness and Safety Enhancement (ACSEP) Guarantee Scheme

The ACSEP Guarantee Scheme is developed to support and provide financial access to agribusiness enterprises, agricultural cooperatives & their members, and individual farmers (native chicken) under the ACSEP Project.

ACSEP Guarantee Scheme Feature

Eligible Borrowers

To be eligible for the ACSEP Guarantee Scheme, the Borrower must meet the following requirements:

              Eligible Activities

                 The eligible activities under the ACSEP Guarantee Scheme are specified as follows:

  1. On-farm production
  2. Contract farming
  3. Nurseries
  4. Greenhouses
  5. Production inputs, including farm and veterinary supplies
  6. Inventory procurement, storage, and transport
  7. Warehouses and logistics
  8. Equipment for production, processing, quality control, and warehouse management
  9. Agro-processing (intermediate and secondary)
  10. Supply chain management
  11. ICT applications, including hardware and software for MIS/ERP
  12. Product development and innovation
  13. Branding
  14. Certification
  15. Energy efficiency
  16. Water management
  17. Business development support services

Definition of SME

Process Flow of the Scheme

Application for ACSEP Guarantee Scheme

To apply for the ACSEP Guarantee Scheme, the PFI shall submit to CGCC a Guarantee Application Form along with the following required document:

  1. Copy of Borrower’s Loan Application
  2. Copy of PFl’s Loan Appraisal Report
  3. Copy of Borrower’s CBC Report
  4. Copy of Borrower’s Shareholders/Directors’ Official Identity Documents
  5. Copy of Borrower’s business registration and/or licenses
  6. Copy of Security’s Evidence (hard title, soft title, ownership certificate, etc.)
  7. PFl’s Loan Letter of Offer (including Terms and Conditions of the Loan)
  8. Copy of Borrower’s consent for the disclosure and usage of their information by CGCC
  9. Copy of Evidence of ACSEP loan approval by Participant Financial Institutions (PFI), Project Implementation Unit (PIU), or PFI and PIU