CGCC kick off the 1st Series of Entrepreneurship Program Initiative of CGCC (EPIC) to 20 Entrepreneurs
May 27, 2024Events and Activities
On 25th May 2024, at the Business Development Center, Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) and ACLEDA co-organized the Entrepreneurship Program Initiative of CGCC (EPIC) 1st series of 2024 on “Tips in Preparing Business Plan and Strategy to Obtain Formal Financing” with around 20 Selected Micro, Small, and Medium (MESME) Entrepreneurs from Phnom Penh and the 5 Provinces.
EPIC is a long-term capacity-building program for MSMEs in Cambodia that launched in 2024 and will be implemented onward, focusing on financial literacy, entrepreneurship, credit guarantee, and effective responsible use of guaranteed loans.
Through the EPIC 1st Series of 2024, all trainees had the opportunity to learn the main topic “Tips in Preparing Business Plan and Strategy to Obtain Formal Financing”, by learning the importance of business plans, especially for applying for loans to any banks or microfinance institution and getting a practical opportunity to prepare a business plan in the classroom. In addition, participants also received information on the CGCC Credit Guarantee Mechanism to support access to financing for MSMEs and Guaranteed Products and the loan approval procedures of ACLEDA Bank.
Capacity-building is one of the priorities of CGCC in the mission of improving financial inclusion and developing SMEs in Cambodia. EPIC is the flagship entrepreneurs’ capacity-building program of CGCC that will provide training to MSMEs on relevant and practical topics for entrepreneurs in collaboration with related stakeholders/Participating Financial Institutions that are willing to provide long-term capacity development to small and medium enterprises.