CGCC Celebrates International Women’s Day

On 07 March 2025, CGCC management and staff celebrated International Women’s Day to appreciate all CGCC female staff who have played vital roles in advancing CGCC’s development in various operational areas.

To express this appreciation and to celebrate this special day, CGCC’s management presented souvenirs to all female employees as a token of appreciation with joy and warmth.

Out of 64 staff, CGCC has 26 women (41%) who work in different departments and positions.

CGCC Joining and Sharing at the Training Course on “Access to Financing”

On 18 February 2025, at Department of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation of Svay Rieng Province, Ms. Kem Chanthavy, Deputy Manager of Relationship Management and Communications, and Mr. Se Kimveasna, Senior Executive of Marketing and Communication of Credit Guarantee Corporation Cambodia (CGCC), attended and shared the credit guarantee mechanism in the training course on “Access to Financing” for SMEs organized by Federation of Associations for SMEs of Cambodia (FASMEC) and Mekong Inclusive Ventures (MiV), with financial support from the Skill Development Fund (SDF).

This training was presided over by Mr. Tim Vannoeun, President of FASMEC based in Svay Rieng Province, representative of Oknha Te Taing Por, Chairman of the Board of Directors of FASMEC, and certificates were presented by Mr. President to 25 business owners who participated.

During the training course, Ms. Se Kimveasna also delivered a presentation on “Financial Inclusion” where he shared the CGCC’s credit guarantee mechanism with the participants to improve the financial inclusion and develop the growth of SMEs in Cambodia.

This training program is also organized in cooperation with CGCC, SME Bank of Cambodia, and Canadia Bank, aiming to provide training knowledge and facilitate the acquisition of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to utilize the credit effectively and efficiently for the right purposes that drive SMEs in Cambodia to achieve sustainability growth, which in turn contributes to national economic growth and creates more  revenues and jobs in Cambodia.

CGCC Joined the 7th National Seminar on “Women’s Entrepreneurship in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Expanding the Potential of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy”

On February 26, 2025, Ms Lim Chanthida, Director of Centralized Operations of CGCC attended as one of the guest speakers at the 7th National Seminar on “Women’s Entrepreneurship in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Expanding the Potential of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Green Economy” organized by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, presided over by  Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs, accompanied by high level of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, high level and technical officers of relevant ministries, Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Associations, the private sector, national and international organizations, NGOs, 25 provincial women’s affairs departments, and 14 women’s development centers, approximately 250 people, and approximately 150 people participated online.

The national workshop aims to strengthen mechanisms for action and support for women entrepreneurs, especially to enhance the knowledge of women entrepreneurs regarding various support programs of the Royal Government, partner organizations, and the private sector in developing businesses in line with current trends, with innovation, especially in response to the green economy.

Through this national workshop, Ms. Lim Chanthida, as a guest speaker in the panel discussion on “Gender-Responsive Green Industry Investment,” shared CGCC’s credit guarantee mechanism to support female entrepreneurs in the green sector​ by enhancing access to finance and encouraging business growth to promote financial inclusion, business expansion, and economic empowerment in the country.



Investment Support Facility (ISF): CGCC, Participating Financial Institutions & EU-funded CAPFISH-Capture Team Up to Boost Investments in the Fisheries Sector

Phnom Penh, 26 February 2025 – On February 21, 2025, the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) and the EU-funded CAPFISH-Capture: Post-harvest Fisheries Development project celebrated a significant milestone in promoting financial inclusion and growth for local micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the post-harvest fisheries sector. They officially signed support agreements for 11 fish processing enterprises as part of the Investment Support Facility (ISF).

The ISF, a key initiative under the CAPFISH-Capture project funded by the European Union (EU), is administered by the CGCC in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Fisheries Administration (FiA). This innovative financing scheme totals approximately US$2.5 million, comprising US$1 million in grant funds (40% of total investment) from the project as equipment support, US$1.25 million (50%) in loans from participating financial institutions (PFIs) guaranteed by the CGCC, and US$250,000 (10%) contributed by the beneficiaries themselves.

Since its inception in late 2024, the ISF has welcomed its first group of 11 fish processing enterprises, with many more in the pipeline for this groundbreaking support. The project has provided its initial grant funding of around US$320,000, leveraging an additional US$340,000 guaranteed loans from CGCC’s PFIs, such as ACLEDA Bank and Maybank Cambodia, along with US$580,000 from the enterprises themselves.

The ISF focuses primarily on supporting post-harvest fisheries enterprises eager to enhance their operations and expand their market reach, both nationally and internationally. There is a strong emphasis on empowering businesses led by women, youth, and persons with disabilities.

Through the ISF initiative, the CGCC and the CAPFISH-Capture project are committed to helping eligible post-harvest fisheries enterprises meet food safety and market standards. Tailored support includes assistance with business development, market linkages, food safety compliance, and environmental and social safeguards.

For post-harvest fisheries enterprises, APPLY NOW! Limited funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information about the ISF and the application process, visit:

Email: [email protected]

Photo credit: @UNIDO_CAPFISH-Capture_Sovannarith NUTH
Photo credit: @UNIDO_CAPFISH-Capture_Sovannarith NUTH
Photo credit: @UNIDO_CAPFISH-Capture_Sovannarith NUTH

CGCC Joined the Training Course on “Access to Financing”

On 13 February 2025, at the Khmer Times Building, Phnom Penh, Ms. Kem Chanthavy, Deputy Manager of Relationship Management and Communications, and Mr. Se Kimveasna, Senior Executive of Marketing and Communication of Credit Guarantee Corporation Cambodia (CGCC), attended and shared the credit guarantee mechanism in the training course on “Access to Financing” for SMEs organized by Federation of Associations for SMEs of Cambodia (FASMEC) and Mekong Inclusive Ventures (MiV), with financial support from the Skill Development Fund (SDF).

This training was presided over by Oknha Te Taing Por, Chairman of the Board of Directors of FASMEC, and certificates were presented by Oknha President to 25 business owners who participated.

During the training course, Ms. Kem Chanthavy also gave a presentation on “Access to Financing” where she shared about the CGCC’s credit guarantee mechanism to improve the financial inclusion and develop the growth of SMEs in Cambodia.

This training program is also organized in cooperation with CGCC, SME Bank of Cambodia, and Canadia Bank, aiming to provide training, knowledge, and facilitate the acquisition of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to utilize the credit effectively  and efficiently for the right purposes that drive SMEs in Cambodia to achieve sustainability growth, which in turn contributes to national economic growth.




CGCC Sharing on Green and Inclusive Finance in Capacity Building Training on “Better Implementation of Gender Responsive Green Industrial Policies in Cambodia” in Kampot

On 16th​ January 2025 in Kampot Province, Ms. Pin Manika, Manager of Marketing and Business Development participated as a guest speaker in the Capacity development, Training of Trainer on Better Implementation of Gender Responsive Green Industrial Policies for National Level, co-organized by the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) and Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and supported by the  BMZ of Government of Germany. This training aimed to strengthen the capacity development and participation relevant line-ministries to develop and implement practically on Gender responsive policies in Green Economy and Green Industrials.


Through this training, Ms. Pin Manika participated as a guest speaker in the session 5 focusing on Key investment in gender responsive green industry and shared about the credit guarantee mechanism to support the Green and Inclusive Finance.

Participants who attended this training gained essential skills to promote a gender-sensitive green economy and foster knowledge exchange. CGCC is also proud to share the importance of credit guarantee mechanisms for contributing in the development of green economic policies and green industries, which are essential for the sustainable development of Cambodia.

CGCC Annual Seminar on “Innovation of Credit Guarantee to Promote Green Financing”

On 23 January 2025, Ministry of Economy and Finance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) co-organized the CGCC Annual Seminar on “Innovation of Credit Guarantee to Promote Green Financing”, presided over by H.E. Ros Seilava, Secretary of State of Ministry of Economy and Finance, high representative of H.E. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance, at Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh.

CGCC Annual Seminar was organized to wrap up and celebrate accomplishments, review the progress of public credit guarantee schemes, award top-performing financial institutions, and launch new public credit guarantee product, as well as collect inputs from related stakeholders​ on innovating credit guarantee mechanisms to support green finance and develop small and medium enterprises in Cambodia. Approximately, around 150 participants from public institutions, domestic and international development partners, banks and microfinance institutions, securities firms, business associations, and related stakeholders attended the seminar.

Through this Annual Seminar, H.E. Ros Seilava officially launched the “Wholesale Guarantee Scheme of CGCC”, to provide guarantees on existing business loans of Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) to share risk with PFIs and reduce the risk weight on the part of the exposure that is guaranteed by CGCC. According to the Prakas Credit Risk for Capital Adequacy Ratios in Deposit-Taking Banks and Financial Institutions of the National Bank of Cambodia on 29 June 2023, exposures denominated in riel or currency that are clearly and unconditionally guaranteed by the Royal Government of Cambodia, including guarantees by credit guarantee schemes established by the Royal Government of Cambodia, are zero percent risk-weighted.

In addition, H.E. Ros Seilava granted the Ministry of Economy and Finance’s Outstanding Awards to participating financial institutions including Prince Bank, Sathapana Bank, Canadia Bank, LOLC Microfinance Institution, and ABA, that have disbursed the most guaranteed accounts and a Special Award to Phillip Bank for maintaining the best Asset Quality in Guaranteed Loans in 2024.

H.E. Ros Seilava mentioned “Ensuring sustainable socio-economic development and building resilience to climate change are strategic goals of the Royal Government, with a priority on increasing sustainable and green finance to increase financial flows towards green investment and the green economy, and promoting climate-resilient and low-carbon public investment, etc. Investing in climate change can not only bring financial returns, but also socio-economic benefits. Therefore, I encourage relevant parties to focus on cooperation with the Royal Government in examining the feasibility of developing financial products, designing and implementing projects, and developing support mechanisms to increase the provision of green finance in Cambodia.”

In this annual seminar, there were also the Signing Ceremony on Credit Guarantee Agreement between CGCC and 2 new Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs), the Small and Medium Enterprise Bank of Cambodia (SME Bank) and Shinhan bank (Cambodia), and the Signing Ceremony on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CGCC and Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) to improve financial inclusion and the financial literacy for SMEs.

Another objectives of the CGCC annual seminar is to create a discussion platform for sharing knowledge and experiences through a panel discussion on “Innovation of Credit Guarantee to Promote Green Financing”, shared by Mr. Kittipong Buranasiri , representative of Thai Credit Guarantee (TCG), Ms. Lee Hyeok, representative of Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT), Mr. Mohamed Azman Mohamed Taufik, representative of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Malaysia (CGC), and Mr. Nhim Soriya, representative of CGCC, moderated by Mr. Shakeel Ahmad, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Cambodia.

CGCC is a state-owned enterprise under the financial and technical guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance with a main mission to provide credit guarantees to improve financial inclusion and support the development of small and medium enterprises. CGCC has launched 5 individual guarantee schemes, 17 portfolio guarantee schemes, and bond guarantees, as well as the Entrepreneurship Program Initiative of CGCC (EPIC). As of 31 December 2024, after 4 years of operations, CGCC has approved credit guarantees on loans amounting to USD 256.58 million benefiting approximately 3,139 businesses across the country. Those businesses provide jobs for more than 30,000 employees.

CGCC and Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) co-organized a workshop on “Capacity Building and Improving Financial Literacy of SMEs” in Sihanoukville province

On 11 December 2024, Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) and Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) co-organized a workshop on “Capacity Building and Improving Financial Literacy of SMEs” in Sihanoukville province in collaboration with Sihanoukville Chamber of Commerce with around 50 participants from Management and staff of Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) and business owners in Sihanoukville province.

The workshop was presided over by Louk Oknha Tan Tat, President of Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, chapter based in Sihanoukville province, Mr. No Lida, Deputy CEO of CGCC, Mr. Yu Phan, Director of Strategy and Business Development, and the presentations by Mr. Se Kimveasna, Senior Executive of Marketing and Communication, and representatives from ABA Bank and LOLC MFI as well.

Through this workshop, business owners gained more understanding of the benefits of credit guarantee and especially understand the readiness to obtain loans from banks and microfinance institutions, as well as understanding how to use loans responsibly and correctly and have the opportunity to practice and get feedback Improved feedback from trainers / experts on loan readiness.

CGCC participated in the panel discussion on Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

On 04 January 2025, at the Khmer Enterprise’s office, Mr. Yun Phan, Director of Strategy and Business Development of CGCC, participated as a panelist in the panel discussion on “Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”, organized as a final session of the “Enterprise Financial Day” Program season 2 of Khmer Enterprises (KE).

Through this panel discussion, Mr. Yun Phan shared the participants with the credit guarantee mechanisms and the benefits for SMEs. He emphasized how CGCC’s services and products, including Loan Guarantees, Bond Guarantees, and Capacity Building Programs, can enhance SMEs’ access to financing from financial institutions for developing their SMEs.

The participants not only learned from the distinguished speakers about the outlook and trends of financing for SMEs in Cambodia, including challenges and solutions, but also had the opportunity to address questions about challenges they have been facing and seeking recommendations from speakers to improve business operations and expand financial knowledge for obtaining financing from banks/MFIs under the favorable terms.


CGCC sharing on Green and Inclusive Finance in Capacity Building Training on “Better Implementation of Gender Responsive Green Industrial Policies in Cambodia”

On 13th​ December 2024, at the Women Entrepreneurship Development Center, Ms. San Sokrina, Manager of Product Development and Cooperation participated as a guest speaker in the Capacity development, Training of Trainer on Better Implementation of Gender Responsive Green Industrial Policies for National Level, co-organized by the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) and Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and supported by the  BMZ of Government of Germany. This training aimed to strengthening the capacity development and participation relevant line-ministries to develop and implement practically on Gender responsive policies in Green Economy and Green Industrials.

Through this training, Ms. San Sokrina participated as a guest speaker in the session 5 focusing on Key investment in gender responsive green industry and shared about the credit guarantee mechanism to support the Green and Inclusive Finance.

Participants who attended this training gained essential skills to promote a gender-sensitive green economy and foster knowledge exchange. CGCC is also proud to share the importance of credit guarantee mechanisms for contributing in the development of green economic policies and green industries, which are essential for the sustainable development of Cambodia.