5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

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Credit guarantee aims to support businesses, especially SMEs, access to formal loans. Under CGCC’s current schemes, CGCC provides credit guarantees on loans disbursed by banks and microfinance institutions that are the participating financial institutions (PFIs) to the borrowers. To reap the benefits of credit guarantees, the borrowers must be ready to apply for loans from the PFIs in the first place. Understanding how the PFIs assess the borrower’s creditworthiness helps the borrower better prepare to get the guaranteed loans.



5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!
5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

Before approving a loan, the bank must be convinced about the loan purpose and the appropriate loan amount for such purpose. How can the borrowers convince the bank? A reliable business plan and financial statement are good testimony to justify the loan purpose and amount. A proper business plan and financial records not only make it easier to borrow but also allow borrowers to critically examine the current business condition and plan better for success. Precisely, they help gauge the appropriate loan amount and repayment capacity. Indeed, borrowing the right amount matters. A surplus borrowing costs unnecessary accumulated interest, fees, and prepayment penalties, while inadequate borrowing may hinder potential business growth. This is called “condition,” one of the 5 Cs that banks use to evaluate borrowers’ creditworthiness.



5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!
5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

Given that the condition is satisfied, banks also require “collateral” to protect themselves against loan default. The banks typically provide loans worth about 70% of the borrower’s collateral value. The collateral requirement is one of the main challenges for borrowers’ access to loans from banks. According to IFC, of all small and medium enterprises that approached banks for loans, 66% were rejected because of lacking collateral requirements. This is why CGCC comes in. CGCC provides credit guarantees to banks to act as collateral on behalf of the borrowers. CGCC’s PFIs can assess the borrower’s creditworthiness by treating the credit guarantee as the borrower’s collateral. This reduces the collateral burden for the borrowers when applying for loans.



5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!
5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

The ability to repay the loan is the fundamental requirement for the bank to approve a loan. Regardless of satisfactory conditions and collateral or CGCC’s guarantees, the banks would not lend, and CGCC cannot guarantee if the borrowers cannot prove that they can repay the loans. So how can the borrower justify the “capacity” to repay? Again, this is when a reliable business plan and financial record can come into play. A proper financial statement tells the borrower’s assets, liabilities, equity, income, and cash flow which are reliable sources to evaluate the repayment capacity. Plus, the business plan describes the future business trajectory in which future income can also be used to justify the repayment capacity.



5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!
5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

If banks provide business loans, they want to know how much own “capital” the borrower put into the business. This matters because it shows the borrower’s commitment to the company where the loan proceeds will be used. It shows “skin in the game.” How can the borrower master this? The proper financial record should show the owner’s equity in the business. Official supporting documents such as partnership agreement and company registration are valid evidence of the borrower’s investment in the company. Usually, banks find it more challenging to assess informal or unregistered businesses because they lack reliable sources of the document to validate their creditworthiness. That is why businesses are encouraged to register to improve their access to finance.


5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!
5 important things SMEs should understand to apply for guaranteed loans!

Another criterion to prove the repayment capacity is the “Character” of the borrower. Notably, banks investigate the borrower’s credit records, including loan repayment history, number of loans, and current loan outstanding, etc. The primary purpose is to assess the borrower’s trustworthiness. Currently, Cambodia Credit Bureau (CBC) provides comprehensive credit reporting on individuals and businesses, which is helpful for banks to evaluate the borrower’s character. However, in some instances, if your credit records are not favorable, you need to strengthen other Cs to convince the banks. For example, during the COVID-19 Pandemic, many businesses face challenges leading to late debt repayment and loan default, adversely impacting their “Character” and “Capital.” In this case, to get loans, the borrowers need to demonstrate a solid business plan which can improve “Condition” and “Capacity” and utilize CGCC’s credit guarantees which can improve “Collateral.”


As we can see, the 5Cs – condition, collateral, capacity, capital, and character – are important factors that banks evaluate the borrowers before deciding to lend. Improving the 5Cs increases the chance of getting loans from banks. A reliable financial statement and business plan can be used to validate every Cs, while a credit guarantee can help address the “Collateral” issue.

Give Non-Collateral a chance! Credit Guarantee Mechanisms and Benefits for Banks, MFIs and Businesses

Download the Full article in PDF: Give Non-Collateral a chance! 

Lack of collateral is the main challenge for businesses in Cambodia to get loans. The Royal Government of Cambodia established the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) to address this challenge. With credit guarantees, borrowing without collateral is no longer impossible. For CGCC to yield the benefits requires a good understanding from relevant stakeholders about how it works.

Simply put, CGCC provides credit guarantees to share the credit risk with the banks on loans made to businesses. In other words, the banks can claim from CGCC if the guaranteed loan defaults. There are two main types of credit guarantee – individual guarantee whereby the guarantee covers individual loans and portfolio guarantee whereby the guarantee covers a portfolio consisting of multiple loans. Since CGCC itself is not a lending institution, it currently collaborates with banks and micro-finance institutions (MFIs) that are the participating financial institutions (PFIs) to provide guaranteed loans to businesses. As a government-backed institution with adequate capital in its account, CGCC is set to provide a wide range of guarantees on loans disbursed to Cambodian-owned businesses across the country.


Why should the lender need the credit guarantee?

Give Non-Collateral a chance! Credit Guarantee Mechanisms and Benefits for Banks, MFIs and Businesses
Give Non-Collateral a chance! Credit Guarantee Mechanisms and Benefits for Banks, MFIs and Businesses

When lending, banks normally protect themselves by requiring collateral from the borrowers. When the borrower cannot repay the loan, the banks liquidate the collaterals to cover the loss. If the required collateral is not sufficient, the bank is unlikely to lend. The collateral requirement becomes more stringent, especially during times of uncertainty such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, because businesses are perceived to be riskier, and banks become more risk-averse. Now with CGCC, the banks can protect themselves with the credit guarantee instead of the collaterals. Currently, CGCC provides credit guarantees up to 80% of the outstanding loan principal which means that the bank bears the remaining 20% of the loss if the loan defaults. The credit guarantee empowers banks to remain competitive in the market and to lend out more to underserved borrowers who lack collaterals, what is referred to as “credit additionality.”


Why should the borrower need the credit guarantee?

Give Non-Collateral a chance! Credit Guarantee Mechanisms and Benefits for Banks, MFIs and Businesses
Give Non-Collateral a chance! Credit Guarantee Mechanisms and Benefits for Banks, MFIs and Businesses

Credit guarantees increase the borrowing capacity. CGCC provides guarantees that act as collateral on the borrower’s behalf. Needless to say, CGCC cannot be beneficial for every business. By all means, if the business has sufficient collateral and the ability to repay the loan, the chance is that such a business does not need a credit guarantee, and the bank would also be happy to lend even without CGCC’s guarantee. However, it is common that a potential business with the ability to repay the loan is unable to borrow because of insufficient collateral. Businesses simply cannot pledge the collateral on every loan they wish to borrow. The collateral is limited. This is a huge loss to the business and the economy as a whole. With the required loan, the business could have generated more income, employed more workers, and produced goods or services that contribute to the economic growth of the country. When CGCC provides guarantees to the banks, the borrowers now have easier access to loans from the banks because the banks are willing to lend more with less collateral requirement.

Credit guarantees are used by many countries as a policy tool to improve access to finance and financial inclusion. However, never before has a credit guarantee corporation been incorporated in Cambodia. According to the World Bank, “Public credit guarantee schemes (CGSs) are a common form of government intervention to unlock finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). More than half of all countries in the world have a CGS for SMEs and the number is growing.” While many credit guarantee schemes have proved successful in supporting the SMEs, many have also failed.

It is still early to assess how far and how fast CGCC can support the businesses. CGCC must continue to strengthen credibility, efficiency, and transparency and adhere to the best practices including the World Bank’s principles for public credit guarantee schemes for SMEs to gain trust and support from all relevant stakeholders. What is also important at this stage is that all the players understand and start to utilize the credit guarantees for the right purposes.

“CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian’s SMEs”

On 09 November 2022 in Daegu, Republic of Korea, with the approval of H.E.​ Akka Pundit Sopheacha Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance Guarantee Corporation Cambodia (CGCC) and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to support the development of credit guarantee system for the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of Korea.

The MoU was signed by Mr. Wong Keet Loong, Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, and Mr. Choi Won Mok, Chairman and CEO of KODIT, and witnessed by H.E. Dr. Mey Vann, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Chairman of the Board’s Risk Management Committee of CGCC.

The MoU will enable CGCC and KODIT to collaborate on the exchange of information, policy consultation, and assistance with regard to credit guarantee services.

“CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian's SMEs”
“CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian’s SMEs”
“CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian's SMEs”
“CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian’s SMEs”

You might be to know more about: CGCC and CGC (Malaysia) signed a MOU to collaborate on credit guarantee development

“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”

CGCC was pleased to co-sponsor the FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022 and would like to congratulate the success of this EXPO which was held on 11-13 November 2022 at The Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Center, with the participation of many national and international guests.  “Cambodia Tech Expo 2022” is the first and largest Tech Expo in Cambodia which was held as an official sideline event of the ASEAN 40th and 41st Summit hosted by Cambodia.

The “FinTech Stage” was co-organized by Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC), Techo Startup Center (TSC), and Cambodian Association of Finance & Technology (CAFT) under 3 major topics: (1) FinTech Development, (2) Banking and Non-Banking, (3) Cyber Security and DeFi.

“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”
“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”

During this event, CGCC displayed CGCC’s guarantee schemes to raise awareness of the financing support policy, particularly the credit guarantees on business loans that lack collateral, an initiative of the Royal Government of Cambodia to support the development of SMEs.

“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”
“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”
“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”
“CGCC raising awareness on credit guarantee at FinTech Stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022”

Click here to read more about: CGCC participates in the discussion on “SMEs and FinTech Joining Hands to Promote Economic Recovery”

Annual Microfinance Conference 2022 on “Strengthening Responsible Growth in the context of the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery”

On 28 October 2022, CGCC has the honor to join the CMA’s Annual Conference on “Strengthening Responsible Growth in the context of post-COVID-19​ Economic Recovery’’ at Sokha Hotel, Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center, presided over by H.E. Rath Sovannorak, Assistant Governor and Director of Banking Supervision of National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and H.E. Dr. Huot Pum, Under the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF) along with the presence of other MFIs in Cambodia.

Through this conference, Mr. No Lida, DCEO of CGCC, also attended as a panelist in the panel discussion on “Best practices and lesson learned on supporting MSME”. He had raised about CGCC’s credit guarantee experience to support MSMEs, and the benefits of using formal loans, in response to the lack of collateral when applying for loans with CGCC’s PFIs under CGCC’s guarantee schemes to improve and recover their business impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Annual Microfinance Conference 2022 on "Strengthening Responsible Growth in the context of the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery"

Annual Microfinance Conference 2022 on "Strengthening Responsible Growth in the context of the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery"

Click here to read more about: CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery

CGCC and CGC (Malaysia) signed a MOU to collaborate on credit guarantee development

On 21 October 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Credit Guarantee Corporation Cambodia (CGCC) and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to enhance the development of credit guarantee services and the growth of MSME in Malaysia and the Kingdom of Cambodia.

CGCC) and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to enhance the development of credit guarantee services
CGCC) and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to enhance the development of credit guarantee services

The MoU was signed by Mr. Wong Keet Loong, Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, and Datuk Mohd Zamree Mohd Ishak, President/Chief Executive Officer of CGC, and witnessed by H.E. Dr. Mey Vann, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Chairman of the Board’s Risk Management Committee of CGCC, and Mr. Anthony Lim Choon Eng, Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Board Risk Management Committee of CGC.

The MoU will enable CGCC and CGC to collaborate on the exchange of information, policy consultation, and assistance with regard to credit guarantee services.

CGCC) and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to enhance the development of credit guarantee services
CGCC) and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing on a collaboration to enhance the development of credit guarantee services

You might be know more about: “CGCC and Korea Credit Guarantee Fund Signed a MOU to Enhance the Development of Credit Guarantee and Financial Support for Asian’s SMEs”

CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia

On 20 and 21 October 2022, CGCC delegates led by H.E. Dr. Mey Vann Secretary of State of Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), and Chairman of Board of Risk Committee of CGCC, Datuk Michael Lor, Advisory of MEF, Mr. Wong Keet Loong, CGCC’s CEO, and along with CGCC’s management team, conducted a study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related topics of credit guarantee from three institutions such as and the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Malaysia Berhad (CGC), Danajamin Nasional Berhad, Bank of Negara Malaysia.

CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia

This is the first abroad study visit of CGCC’s delegates after the 2 years operation, that is such a great opportunity for CGCC’s delegates to learn more about strategy and implementation in the credit guarantee context to strengthen the business development and operation, also, CGCC got the opportunity to exchange information sharing on the credit guarantee of Cambodia in the ASEAN context level.

CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia
CGCC’s study visit to Malaysia to explore more understanding on related institutions of credit guarantee in Malaysia


CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism

On Friday, September 30, 2022, Mr. No Lida, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, participated as a speaker and shared about the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Seminar on “Applying for Tourism Licenses via CamDx and Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework of the Ministry of Tourism” in Siem Reap Province, presided over by H.E. Song Tong Hap, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Tourism, with the participation of officials from Ministry of Tourism, and representatives from associations of tourism and travel agents.

CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism
CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism

At the seminar, CGCC’s DCEO highlighted the role of credit guarantee as an additional supporting mechanism initiated by the Royal Government of Cambodia to facilitate access to finance for companies/businesses that lack of collateral when applying for loans to banks/microfinance institutions. At the same time, in line with the policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia to support the survival and economic recovery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, CGCC also launched a Co-Financing Guarantee Scheme for Tourism (CFGS-TR) to support the recovery of businesses in the tourism sector affected by the COVID-19.

He also strongly encouraged the Association of Tourism and Travel Agents and participants in this workshop to spread the information about the credit guarantee schemes, especially CFGS-TR, which is specially designed with favorable conditions to address the challenges of business owners in the tourism sector.

CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism
CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism
CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism
CGCC Sharing the Credit Guarantee Schemes at the Dissemination of New Measures and Legal Framework and Measures of the Ministry of Tourism

You might be to know more about: Give a Day: Credit Guarantee Schemes & Its role in Enterprise Development

CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral

(Phnom Penh, 22 September 2022): Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) and DGB Bank has entered into a partnership on a credit guarantee agreement to expand support for businesses in all levels, ranging from micro to large firms in Cambodia that lack collateral in accessing to formal loans for their businesses with CGCC’s guarantees.

CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral
CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral

As a state-owned enterprise, operated under the technical and financial guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), CGCC has launched credit guarantee schemes to enhance easier access to finance despite collateral challenges and provide the most support to SMEs, aligning with government strategy in SMEs development. Under this partnership agreement, DGB Bank becomes one of the 24 CGCC’s Participated Financial Institutions (PFIs) in providing guaranteed loans to businesses, especially SMEs that lack collateral for their working capital and business expansion.

Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, Mr. Wong Keet Loong mentioned that “The volume of guaranteed loans over the last 6 months has been increasing.  This indicates that the credit guarantee has supported SMEs in obtaining loans to grow their business.  Our participating FIs are able to share the risks of the loans with CGCC.”  

CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral
CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral

Mr. Wong added that “The collaboration with DGB Bank further reinforces our outreach to support more SMEs throughout the DGB branch network.  We are glad that DGB finds the benefits of the credit guarantee to support their loan growth and risk weight.” 

Chief Executive Officer of DGB Bank, Mr. Oul Dethsokhom said that “DGB bank is very excited of being able to sign the credit guarantee agreement with CGCC. With credit guarantee, the bank can take part in supporting businesses growth in the country and Cambodia’s economy in the ASEAN region”. 

CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral
CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral

 Mr. Oul Dethsokhom continued that “We were poised to enter into another government-led credit guarantee scheme dedicated to supporting SME business which could not procure funding source its own collaterals/guarantee.” 

 This joint force between CGCC and DGB Bank will enable businesses, especially SMEs, to have greater access to loans for their business growth by increasing borrowing capacity with the risk-sharing of credit guarantee schemes. It allows SMEs to borrow even without collateral and to get a higher loan amount with the same collateral value than they would otherwise get without a credit guarantee. 

CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral
CGCC and DGB Bank signed the partnership of credit guarantee agreement to provide more support for business loans that lack of collateral


 About CGCC 

CGCC is a state-owned enterprise operated under the technical and financial guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and officially incorporated in November 2020. CGCC’s mission is to provide credit guarantees to lenders on loans made to businesses based on international standards to share the risk with lenders and to improve financial inclusion. 

As of 31 August 2022, CGCC has supported 661 businesses by providing credit guarantees for their loan applications, amounting to USD 64.8 million equivalent. CGCC has provided the most guarantee to SMEs, which accounts for 95% of the total businesses receiving the credit guarantee from CGCC. 

About DGB Bank 

DGB was “inaugurated as commercial bank” on September 01, 2021, with esteemed virtual participation from CEO of Daegu Bank and top management of the Bank. Throughout the year, the Bank unveiled four flagship products: deposits (CASA), remittance (domestic & Oversea), DGB Mobile app and ATMs services.  

The Bank has, in line with the NBC’s Prakas, lent hands to the clients by undertaking the plight of loan restructures, easing their grim burden during financial predicament. 

CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia

On 21 September 2022, Ms. Pin Manika, Manager of Marketing and Business Development of CGCC, participates as a guest speaker in the weekly meeting of the BNI Cambodia Chapter Brilliant and presents on CGCC’s credit guarantee schemes to more than 30 business owners. 

CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia

This sharing session is organized to promote credit guarantee schemes to potential business owners and to provide solutions for them on financial support response to the challenges of lack of collateral when applying for loans.  

CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia

Business owners who are BNI Cambodia members are very interested in CGCC’s credit guarantee scheme and enthusiastically ask further questions regarding to the process and conditions of applying for guaranteed loans. Members experienced in successfully requesting guaranteed loans also encourage other members to firstly contact banks or MFIs who are CGCC’s partners in case they need to apply for loans but do not have enough collateral.

CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia
CGCC sharing about credit guarantee schemes and benefits for members of BNI Cambodia