Press Release – Prakas on Credit Risk for Capital Adequacy Ratios in Deposit-Taking Banks and Financial Institutions of National Bank of Cambodia

Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) is pleased to inform the Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) that on 29th June 2023 the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) announced the implementation of “Prakas on Credit Risk for Capital Adequacy Ratios in Deposit-Taking Banks and Financial Institutions”. In the press release issued on the same day about this Prakas on Credit Risk for Capital Adequacy Ratios in Deposit-Taking Banks and Financial Institutions, NBC stated the purpose of this Prakas is to develop a comprehensive credit risk weight, which varies according to the type of credit, borrowers, or counterparties and reflect the level of risk that the institution may actually face in order to strengthen the effectiveness of risk management.

The press release of NBC also mentioned the implementation of prudent and well-balanced measures and careful consideration to promoting the development of the banking and financial sector and national economic growth, as well as to support the Royal Government of Cambodia in implementing relevant policies, including special attention to “Support credit guarantee mechanisms established by the Royal Government of Cambodia, such as the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC), with a zero percent risk weight on the part of the exposure that is guaranteed in order to facilitate Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in access to more sources of fund”.

​CGCC is the first-ever credit guarantee corporation in Cambodia, established by the decision of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister as a state-owned enterprise under the technical and financial guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. CGCC’s main mission is to provide credit guarantees to lenders on loans made to businesses based on international standards to share the risk with lenders and to improve financial inclusion.

Phnom Penh, 03 July 2023


Click here for: Press Release on Prakas on Credit Risk for Capital Adequacy Ratios in Deposit-Taking Banks and Financial Institutions of National Bank of Cambodia

Courtesy visit by CGCC to NBC to discuss on the current situation of the credit market in Cambodia

On Friday, 12 May 2023, at the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC), led by Mr. Wong Keet Loong, CEO of CGCC, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Rath Sovannorak, Assistant Governor and Director General of Banking Supervision of NBC.

CGCC’s CEO, Mr. KL Wong was very grateful for the warm welcome of H.E Sovannorak and his team and was very pleased to update on CGCC’s latest progress in providing credit guarantee and CGCC’s strategy that requires close cooperation and support from NBC.

In response, H.E. Sovannorak praised the progress made by CGCC and expressed his support for CGCC’s mission to provide guarantees on loans disbursed by banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) to businesses that lack collaterals, especially SMEs, the backbone of the economy,​ and to raise SMEs awareness on financial literacy.

The meeting also discussed the latest development in the banking sector, new NBC regulations as well as ways to enhance cooperation to improve financial inclusion and access to finance.

Courtesy visit by CGCC to NBC to discuss on Expanding more Support to Improve Financial Inclusion

On 7 June 2022, Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC), led by Mr. Wong Keet Loong, CEO of CGCC, pay a courtesy visit to H.E. Dr. Chea Serey, Assistant Governor and Director General of Central Banking of the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), at the NBC.

Mr. Wong is very grateful for the warm welcome of H.E. Dr. Chea Serey and updated H.E. Dr. Chea Serey about CGCC’s latest progress to support SMEs and improve financial inclusion.

H.E. Dr. Chea Serey praised the progress made by CGCC and expressed her support for CGCC’s mission to provide guarantees on loans disbursed by banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) to businesses, especially SMEs that lack collateral.

Courtesy visit by CGCC to NBC to discuss on Expanding more Support to Improve Financial Inclusion

Today’s meeting is an excellent opportunity for CGCC to know more about NBC and discuss synergies between NBC, financial institutions, and CGCC in improving financial inclusion and financial literacy amongst micro, small, and medium enterprises in Cambodia.

Click here to read about: CGCC visits Canadia Bank at Kampong Chhnang Branch enhance collaboration on the Credit Guarantee