Virtual Seminar on “Credit Guarantee – Benefits & Opportunities to Support SME Development”

Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) organized a virtual seminar on “Credit Guarantee – Benefits & Opportunities to Support Small and Medium (SME) Development” on 16 December 2021, with support from the Ministry of Economy and FinanceAsian Development Bank (ADB), and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). The seminar brings together relevant stakeholders including the Government, Development Partners, Financial Institutions, and business representatives to discuss the benefits and opportunities of using credit guarantees to support business survival and expansion.

The extent to which credit guarantees can contribute to restoring the economy depends on the lenders’ and borrowers’ perspectives toward credit guarantees. The seminar, therefore, focuses the discussion on their perspectives toward credit guarantees. All speakers shared a common view that lack of collateral is one of the main challenges for businesses to access formal loans. They agreed that credit guarantees can support banks and Micro-Finance Institution (MFIs) to lend out more to businesses, especially those who lack collateral.

Benefits & Opportunities to Support SME Development

Benefits & Opportunities to Support SME Development

The seminar also digs into stakeholders’ ongoing efforts to improve SME access to finance for the economic re-opening in Cambodia. The Government has introduced many policy interventions to support SME access to finance. In addition, relevant stakeholders have spared​ efforts which include, among others, increasing financial literacy, introducing innovative financial solutions, and upgrading financial sector infrastructure. The panelists demonstrated their commitment to continue supporting SMEs’ access to financial services.

Prominent speakers in this seminar include the President of Federation of Associations of SMEs of Cambodia (FASMEC), Vice President of Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association (CWEA), President of Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC), Chairman of Cambodia Microfinance Association & CEO of AMK Microfinance, CEO of Canadia Bank, Deputy Director General of General Department of Policy of Ministry of Economy and Finance, and Senior Financial Sector Specialist from the ADB, and Senior Regional Technical Advisor from UNCDF, and CGCC’s management. This seminar attracted more than 300 participants from various institutions – Government, development partners, financial institutions, and business communities.

CGCC is a state-owned enterprise under the financial and technical guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. CGCC’s mission is to provide credit guarantees to lenders on loans made to businesses. As of 10 December 2021, CGCC has provided guarantees for 173 loans with a total amount of over USD 20 million.

Benefits & Opportunities to Support SME Development


7th Board of Directors Meeting of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC)

On 10 December 2021, the 7th Board of Directors Meeting of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) was organized virtually, in the presence of H.E. Ros Seilava, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the chairman of the CGCC’s Board of Directors, along with the presence of other 6 Board of Directors members.

The agenda of this 7th Board of Directors Meeting included: (1) CGCC progress report, (2) 4th Batch PFI applications, (3) Investment plan, (4) Risk management framework and risk appetite framework, (5) Amendment of credit guarantee system implementation agreement, (6) Procurement plan for 2022 of CGCC, (7) other matters.

CGCC’s Board of Directors Meeting is regularly organized to review, evaluate, and seek recommendations and decisions on CGCC’s activities and progress, especially the credit guarantee schemes of CGCC, in order to ensure transparency and efficiency.

CGCC & the promote and raise awareness on how to apply for loan with credit guarantee for SMEs & women entrepreneurs

On 06 December 2021, Mr. No Lida, Deputy CEO of CGCC, has attended as a panelist in the workshop on “Access to Finance for SMEs and Women Entrepreneurs-Challenges and Solutions” organized virtually by the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC), the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA), and PACT Cambodia.  

CGCC & the promote and raise awareness on how to apply for loan with credit guarantee for SMEs & women entrepreneurs
CGCC & the promote and raise awareness on how to apply for loan with credit guarantee for SMEs & women entrepreneurs

 This workshop aims to engage and build the bridge between stakeholders (banking and financial institutions, small and medium enterprises—SMEs, Women Entrepreneurs, government and development partners) to address the challenges of SMEs and women entrepreneurs in accessing finance and discuss the solutions for this issue. 


Mr. Lida has shared the roles of CGCC and the ongoing practical experiences/perspectives in response to the panel discussion topic on “Promote and raise awareness on how to apply for a loan for business”. The discussion also participated by related financial institutions to share comments, and recommendations for SMEs and women entrepreneurs to expand their understanding of access to finance. 

CGCC & the promote and raise awareness on how to apply for loan with credit guarantee for SMEs & women entrepreneurs
CGCC & the promote and raise awareness on how to apply for loan with credit guarantee for SMEs & women entrepreneurs

You might also be interested in 7th Board of Directors Meeting of Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC)

CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery

CGCC’s CEO, Mr. Wong Keet Loong, on 26 November 2021, attended the Annual Micro Finance Conference 2021 via online, within the topic of Microfinance Sector Resilience and Economic Recovery amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: “Challenges and Opportunities”and also participated as a panelist in the panel discussion within the topic of “Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery”.   

CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery
CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery

This event was organized by Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) with participation from related stakeholders such as government institutions, development agencies, especially the financial institutions including banks and Microfinance.  

CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery
CGCC & Key Reflection of Covid-19 response and future perspective to accelerate the economic recovery



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CGCC Collaborates with Maybank (Cambodia) to support SMEs in long-term competitive advantages

Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) has officially announced the strategic collaboration in the signing ceremony of the credit guarantee agreement with Maybank (Cambodia) Plc. on 26 November 2021, to support small & medium enterprises (SMEs) in Cambodia with the goal of building long-term competitive advantages through the Building Capacity & Capability (BCC) program to SMEs of Maybank (Cambodia).
The announcement was made on top of their strategic collaboration at the “Supporting SME Businesses in Cambodia” Business Forum, organized by Maybank Cambodia and CGCC, and supported by the Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF), and the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC).
This business forum was also included with the panel discussion, which was moderated by the Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Information, H.E. Ouk Kimseng, attended by 4 panelists including Deputy Director General, Trust Regulator of Non-bank Financial Services Authority, Mr. Ney Sakal, Deputy Director General, Banking Supervision of the National Bank of Cambodia, Mr. Heng Bomakara, CEO of CGCC, Mr. Wong Keet Loong, and Deputy CEO of Maybank (Cambodia), Mr. Rath Sophoan.

Wing Bank and Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia Joint Force to Support the Recovery of Business Operation

Credit to: Khmer Times

With support from the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia,  business owners affected by the pandemic can now take loans from Wing Bank to resume their operation.

Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc and the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) officially kicked off the credit guarantee agreement to collaborate on disbursing loans to business operators in Cambodia who may face difficulty obtaining loans due to lack of sufficient collaterals.

This partnership will involve Wing Bank taking part in the Credit Guarantee Schemes with CGCC to support those businesses adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic including micro, small and medium enterprises to large firms to ease their access to formal loans for working capital and investment or business expansion.

“I am very delighted that we can now increase our financial support to more business owners with the collaboration with CGCC, “said Mr. Han Peng Kwang, Wing Bank’s Chief Executive Officer. “We have developed extensive financial products and services to help business owners in Cambodia. The partnership today will be another catalyst to further our reach to them.”

CGCC will support Wing Bank in guaranteeing the loans to borrowers whose businesses are deemed viable but lack collateral by providing credit guarantees as additional security, thereby reducing the required collaterals.

After its official launch as a commercial bank in April 2021, Wing Bank has put in place many financial products and services to meet the needs of individual customers and business owners. All can be accessed through Wing Bank, Wing Money App, and more than 10,000 Wing Cash Xpress agents across Cambodia.

Under this partnership agreement, Wing Bank becomes one of the 20 Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) of CGCC in providing guaranteed loans to businesses, including SMEs, that lack collateral for their working capital and business expansion.

Mr Wong Keet Loong, Chief Executive Officer of CGCC mentioned that, “Our partnership with Wing Bank is strategic for CGCC to tap on the wide coverage of Wing Bank’s innovative array of financial products via its digital network. This will propel CGCC into the digital space by offering our guarantee for loans to businesses in the Wing’s digital eco-systems.”

Established in 2020, CGCC is aimed at improving financial inclusion and developing the growth of SMEs through providing credit guarantees to lenders on loans made to businesses based on international standards.

Cambodian Business owners with more than 50% ownership can now approach Wing Bank for the CGCC’s guarantee scheme or contact it directly via its website  for more information.

Similar Content: ABA Bank partners with CGCC to provide further loan support to businesses 

ABA Bank partners with CGCC to provide further loan support to businesses

ABA Bank, the country’s leading commercial bank, and Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia Plc. (CGCC), a state-owned enterprise of the Royal Government of Cambodia officially signed the Credit Guarantee Agreement on 11 November 2021. Under the Agreement, ABA will provide loans guaranteed by CGCC to support micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and large companies in Cambodia on business expansion, investment, and working capital.

This partnership enables ABA Bank to support and assist business entities who are financially viable but lack collateral when requesting loans by using guarantees under the CGCC’s Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS). Through this Agreement, ABA Bank can assist more businesses, especially SMEs, by offering them more accessible and quicker applications and higher loans to prioritized sectors.

ABA’s Chief Executive Officer, Askhat Azhikhanov commented, “SMEs play a vital role in the economy, and traditionally are in the focus of Cambodian financial institutions. Due to the regulation and risk management,  banks require potential borrowers to comply with a list of criteria, including credit history, financial condition, and collateral. Not all of them meet those criteria, while the pandemic affected even more businesses. The Credit Guarantee Scheme initiated by the Royal Government provides a beneficial risk-sharing mechanism between ABA and CGCC whereby businesses not fully eligible for a bank loan can still access formal financing from ABA. The Bank will consider such requests based on its credit policy and loan application assessment, while the priority will be given to agriculture, industry, and services sectors of the economy.”

“We at ABA Bank partner with CGCC in providing SME businesses with easier access to loans and restate our commitment to benefit Cambodia and its people in line with our corporate mission and values,” he added.

Mr. Wong Keet Loong, Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, mentioned that “CGCC was set up with the objective of increasing loan growth in the banking sector.  With the credit guarantee, financial institutions can provide higher loan margins.  As the economy is reopening, there will be a higher demand for loans from SMEs to increase their business.”

“CGCC’s guarantee will act as part of the collateral for the bank loans, thus, reducing the collaterals required from the borrowers.  ABA Bank, being one of the top banks, has a strong loan growth and its wide network of branches will be strategic for CGCC to accomplish its objectives. We look forward to ​this partnership to reach out to more SMEs”, he added.

In March 2021, the CGCC launched the $200 million Business Recovery Guarantee Scheme (BRGS) to help businesses, including micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs), as well as large corporations, to gain better access to formal loans from participating financial institutions (PFIs). To expand support to SMEs, Co-financing Guarantee Scheme (CFGS), the second credit guarantee scheme was launched in September 2021, for guarantee on loans under the SME Bank’s Co-Financing Scheme Phase II. Under this Agreement, ABA becomes one of the 19 PFIs committed to these schemes in providing easy access to loans for businesses hit hard by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Call the CGCC Call Center at 023 722 123 or the ABA Call Center at 023 225 333 for more information on the services offered by CGCC and ABA.

Credit to: Khmer Times


Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area

Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) and Chamroeun Microfinance conducted a signing ceremony on the credit guarantee agreement on 22 October 2021 to expand supports to Agri-SMEs in Cambodia who lack collateral in accessing formal loans for their businesses with CGCC’s guarantees.

Mr. Wong Keet Loong, Chief Executive Officer of CGCC, expresses a warm welcome to Chamroeun MFI on becoming a Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) of CGCC.

Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area

Mr. Wong mentions that: “the collaboration with Chamroeun MFI will enable CGCC to support the Agri- SMEs in rural areas who have difficulty to access formal financing from FIs.  Chamroeun MFI will be able to provide financing to those micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSME) who do not have sufficient collateral for the loans. With access to financing, we hope that the MSMEs will be able to scale up their livelihood, thus, reducing poverty.”

Mr. Yannick Nicolas MILEV, Chief Executive Officer of Chamroeun MFI, said: “CGCC’s initiatives are key to helping building rural economies and market systems. Agri-SMEs in rural areas often find it difficult to access formal financing as the requirements from financial sector providers often do not match the capacities these Agri-SMEs have. The guarantee schemes allow for this gap to be bridged, and for both players to ultimately better understand each other’s business realities and processes – in turn strengthening financial inclusion for high impact businesses.”

Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area

Cambodian Business owners, including SMEs with more than 50% ownership, are encouraged to apply for guaranteed loans with CGCC’s PFIs, including Chamroeun MFI. Please visit Chamroeun MFI’s website for more information: 

As of 20 October 2021, CGCC has supported more than 105 businesses through credit guarantees on their loan applications, amounting to more than USD 14 million. Also, CGCC has provided the most guarantees to SMEs, which is accounted for 94% of the total businesses receiving the credit guarantees from CGCC.

Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area
Signing ceremony between CGCC and Chamroeun MFI to support SMEs in Rural Area


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Decision of Establishing the Risk Committee of CGCC’s Board of Directors

“Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia Plc. (CGCC)” is a state-owned enterprise established by a Sub-Decree No. 140 ANKR.BK dated 1st September 2020. CGCC is operated under the technical and financial guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. (MEF). The risk committee for CGCC’s Board of Directors was established on 25 December 2020, to ensure the sustainability, strength,  and risk management in limited in line with policy.

Click here to download: Decision of Establishing the Risk Committee of CGCC’s Board of Directors 

Decision of Establishing Audit Committee of CGCC

“Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia Plc. (CGCC)” is a state-owned enterprise established by a Sub-Decree No. 140 ANKR.BK dated 1st September 2020. CGCC is operated under the technical and financial guidance of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. (MEF). The audit committee for CGCC’s Board of Directors was established on 25 December 2020, to ensure the good management, transparency, and efficiency.

Click here to download: Decision of Establishing Audit Committee of CGCC