Co-Financing Guarantee Scheme for Tourism (CFGS-TR)

Co-Financing Guarantee Scheme for Tourism (CFGS-TR) is a sub-credit guarantee scheme under the Co-Financing Guarantee Scheme (CFGS) offered by the CGCC to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) on the loans lent out under the Tourism Recovery Co-Financing Scheme (TRCS) of SME Bank of Cambodia.  

CFGS-TR aims to support the recovery and survival of businesses in the tourism sector which was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. CFGS-TR is in line with the policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia to support the survival and economic recovery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here for : the official document of CFGS-TR guidelines

CFGS-TR Scheme Features

Eligible Borrowers

For loans to be qualified for the CFGS-TR, the borrowers must fall into the following criteria: 

How to apply for CFGS-TR?

Step 1: Borrower need to apply for a loan under CFGS-TR from any mutual Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) of CGCC and SME Bank of Cambodia.

Step 2: After approving the loan using their own appraisal method, PFIs shall submit the Guarantee Application Form to CGCC for guarantees not more than 60 days from the approval date.  

Step 3: CGCC shall review the loans and Guarantee Application to decide whether to approve the guarantee or not. In the case the guarantee is approved, CGCC shall issue a Letter of Guarantee and billing to the PFIs. 

Step 4: PFIs shall disburse the Guaranteed loans to borrowers after the Letter of Guarantee is issued and the Tourism Recovery Co-financing loan drawdown is approved by the SME Bank of Cambodia. In case the Tourism Recovery Co-financing loan drawdown is rejected by the SME Bank of Cambodia, the Letter of Guarantee issued by CGCC will become invalid.

Benefits of CFGS-TR

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