Rice Export Guarantee Scheme (REGS)

Rice Export Guarantee Scheme (REGS) aims to accommodate financing needs and address the challenges of rice exporters and millers facing a lack of collateral to pledge loans to financial institutions, especially during the harvest season.

The 1st Tranch of REGS was launched in May 2024, with a total scheme size of USD 30 Million to support working capital loans for rice millers/rice exporter to produce rice for exports. This scheme is in line with the aspirations of the Royal Government of Cambodia to export 1 Million ton of rice by 2025. 

REGS Scheme Features

Eligible Borrowers

To be eligible for the REGS, the Borrower must meet the following requirements:

How to Apply for REGS?

REGS Process Flow

Rice exporters and millers who are active members of CRF and who need financing for working capital and business expansion, especially for the purchase of processed paddy rice to export rice, can contact CRF to obtain facilitation of access to this financing.

Contact CRF for more information via: 

Telephone: 093 680 680 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cambodiaricefederation 

Contact CGCC's PFIs under REGS

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