Women Entrepreneurs Guarantee Scheme (WEGS)

WEGS, the third credit guarantee scheme offered by the CGCC, is the specifically designed for women and women-owned SMEs.

WEGS is specifically designed for women and women-owned businesses, aiming to narrow the gap between the supply and demand for financing by providing a higher guaranteed coverage of 80% and a lower guarantee fee for all sectors with favorable credit guarantee features. 

WEGS is in line with the “Strategic Framework and Programs for Economic Recovery in the Context of Living with COVID-19 in a New Normal 2021 – 2023” which lays out the direction to encourage commercial banks and microfinance institutions to increase additional lending by relaxing the credit guarantee requirements of CGCC, by expanding the scope of guarantee coverage with favorable terms for priority sectors set by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

Click here: the official document of WEGS guidelines

WEGS Scheme Features

* CGCC reserves the right to change WEGS features, and an adequate notice period will be given.

Eligible Borrowers

For loans to be qualified for the Women Entrepreneurs guarantee scheme, the borrowers must fall into the following criteria: 

How to apply for WEGS?

1. Women and Women-Owned SMEs Borrowers need to apply for a loan under WEGS from any of the CGCC’s Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs). (Click here for all PFIs: CGCC’s PFIs)

2. After evaluating and approving the loan, the PFIs submit a guarantee application for the loan to CGCC for guarantee. PFIs shall not disburse the loans before the guarantee application is approved by CGCC.

3. CGCC evaluates the guarantee application for the loan submitted by the PFIs. If the application is approved, CGCC will issue a Letter of Guarantee to the PFIs for the loan.

4. After the Letter of Guarantee is issued, the PFIs will disburse the Guaranteed Loan to the borrowers.

WEGS Process Flow

Priority Sectors





The Non-Priority Sectors are those sectors besides the sectors listed above.

Benefits of WEGS

Small & Medium Enterprises

WEGS aims to support women and women-owned businesses access to formal credit through CGCC’s credit guarantees by giving a higher guaranteed coverage of 80% and lower guarantee fees of 1% per annum for ALL sectors. This scheme also aims to support CGCC’s participating financial institutions to increase women’s loan portfolio , and to extend guaranteed loans to women and women-owned businesses with favorable credit guarantee features. 

WEGS Guidelines

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